Jul 6, 2013

Cherry Chu Hi

Dear Japan/ Kirin Breweries,

I am writing to request your secret formula for awesomeness. Do not pretend like you don't have it. How else could you have come up with Godzilla, Mario, motorcycles that do not break down, hentai comic books, and now this:
No where else on this planet during its entire existence has a human or the universe created 8% alcohol infused juice. Even more impressive was what happened on July 2nd when your Strong Chi Hi's went Cherry.

Maybe you had the Cherry Chu Hi's all along and knew that humanity was not prepared for them until after December 21, 2012. I have read rumors that alien technology was involved. Even stranger, secret subscript on the can hints at Illuminati involvement.

Whatever the case may be Japan/ Kirin Breweries, you and I know that you are indeed in possession of the formula for awesomeness. It is now time to give the rest of the world a chance at using its secrets.

Imagine the possibilities. With its powers you could create a pet Caog; half cat, half dog. Countries around the world could finally unite their technologies to create things like the Marvin, a thing so revolutionary I don't even know what it is.

The time for creation is up on us! Humanity as a whole needs your formula so that fusion and creation of awesomeness can be universal.

Truly Yours,

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