Mar 14, 2007

Some people cannot hold their Soju

The weather had started cool, hinting at winter’s inevitable arrival. Having just arrived home from work, my good friend Mi Kyoung called to invite me out. In spite of it being a work night I readily agreed to meet up with her. After a short Taxi ride, I met Mi Kyoung and four of her friends whom I had never met before. Being a foreigner and new to the group I was given a proper initiation by being made to drink countless shots of Soju.
After drinking and eating our fill we decided to change restaurants. We drunkenly stumbled outside oblivious to how cold it was. After a short walk we found a new restaurant. Though I did not want to drink anymore, Mi Kyoung’s friend Young ordered another bottle of Soju.
After yet another shot, I needed to pee went to the bathroom alone. Standing in the bathroom, a large smile crept across my face. Here I was in a foreign land having a great time with people I hardly knew.
My day dream abruptly ended when I noticed that a Korean man who had just walked into the bathroom was staring at me. I zipped up my pants and quickly tried to exit the bathroom. “Are you laughing at me?” The drunken man demanded. “No no, I am sorry I was just using the bathroom,” I replied. “No you were laughing at me!” The drunken man snapped back.
Feeling the situation was escalating, I began pushing past the drunken man to exit the bathroom. Not wanting me to leave the drunken man pushed me away from the door and slapped me in the face. “Whoa! Are we fighting?” I asked, just as he took a kick at my balls.
Not wanting to get kicked hard in the balls I took a swing square at the drunken mans jaw. The punch sent him reeling backwards out of the bathroom and out into the restaurant. As we burst into the restaurant Mi Kyoung caught sight of us and screamed for Young to intervene.
With Young between the two of us the fight soon ended. The drunken mans friends came over and made him sit down. As one of his friends began to talk to him, the drunken man grabbed a box of chopsticks and threw it against the wall. As it smashed against the wall countless metal chopstick chopsticks flew in slow motion throughout the restaurant.
The restaurant, not wanting anymore trouble, pushed us out the back door before we could even pay our bill.
Knowing the police might be coming we ran to the front of the restaurant to hail a cab. No sooner had we hailed a cab, did the drunken man burst outside and try to start a fight again. Before Mi Kyoung and I could get into the taxi, it sped away leaving us with the drunken man. Once again Young jumped in-between us as the drunken mans friends tried to pull him away.
Luckily Mi Kyoung succeeded in quickly hailing another taxi and we took off into the night, never to know what happened to the drunken man.

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