Nov 30, 2023

Good Morning/Night Vietnam

Picture Capture Moment

Who will look at it? What is the purpose? Where will it be stored? Why did you have to picture capture this moment?

When the sunrise rose over the The Đồng Nai River I'd been looking out at this view on and off for 12-hours. Clouds, lighting, and weather had all flowed in, through, out, and beyond this communist man made hydro electric marvel. 

The last bit of creeping jungle on the top left. The coffee trees on the hills bellow. Fish farms in the hydro electric dam lake who's lights only shown at night, and of course the islands. Hills that had once been connected to a valley, now cut off by the rising water of the dam. 

What was on those islands. Who lived there. 

Who, what, where, when, why?

Countless marvels. Innumerable adventures. This single picture. This one moment. The only picture from the trip taken by our protagonist. 

What do you expect to learn from it; from taking a picture of it all?

Nov 17, 2023

Amoy St.


Nov 12, 2023

Into the Wild

Lighting. Focus. You. 

Low tide, close to the shore; but alone. An hours long casual snorkel along an unfamiliar reef. The yellow shrimp goby, with two pistol shrimp. First time I'd seen both a yellow shrimp goby, it living with two pistol shrimp, and the shrimp fussily borrowing in the middle of the day. 

A sea of sea urchins. Like bees in a blooming garden; innocuously sharp.

Low tide, close to the shore. Sometimes being a hands length from everything on the reef is more terrifying than swimming the meters length of a swimming pool down to see it. A current, a wave, your breath pushing you uncontrollably near in-on-to one of the countless living things on the reef.  


Nov 9, 2023


The world from city ground level. The same world as you travel up the city mountains.

The world from ground level. The same world as you travel up the mountains.