Sep 30, 2017

The Premier Speak Playa


Millers Roli

RiNo, Colorado

Sep 29, 2017


デンバー, コロラド

Sep 4, 2017

Lazy River

Water World, Federal Heights

Toilet Bowl

You know what, let's make this interesting. Camera is in your pocket, hands on the bar. Life Guard says go; down the pipe you slide. Going to be quick. Left hand into left pocket, your right holds sunglasses. 

Camera's out before you hit the top of the bowl. You never slide straight in these things. Arched back to spin around. Test shot at the ceiling. Okay time to spin down the bowl. Camera up, not much I can see, take the shot. 

Ugh close. The next shot is all white; too late: already in the water. Guess I need to try again. 

This shot was just on the edge, the test shot. Want the one with the circle of the bowl and the light above. 

Guess I'll need to be flushed again. 

Water World, Federal Heights