Sep 19, 2018

Pulai Falls

Vulnerable /vʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l/ adjective exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Whether real or imagined, vulnerability sets in quickly after leaving the city state's gated community. Together the continental bike and it's Yank rider are an attention magnet. 

These rides evoke Korean rides with James. Mere moments outside of town, yet you're in such a new place.  

Curiosity /kjʊərɪˈɒsɪti/ noun a strong desire to know or learn something.

Not imagined rather real curiosity sets in quickly after leaving the city state's gated community. Together the continental bike and it's Yank rider find fascination.   

You're in such a new place, yet mere moments outside of town. These rides evoke world rides with old friends. 

Bamboo Palm Oil

Putuo Village, Malaysia

Sep 16, 2018

Pulai Waterfall

John Baru, Malaysia

Sep 13, 2018