May 30, 2020

Keramat Bukit Kasita

Kampong Bahru, Singapore

May 29, 2020

Everytime We Touch

Look through this blog.
All 13 years of this shared seen experience. 
There are some missing pixels.

2007 was a world of internet cafes and the first iphone.
This connected family and friends to life a world away.

The point has always been to share see, not me.

May 26, 2020

Cyberpunk Tomorrow

Tracked C十九 to Gอlden Miไe, however WARM 上 turned cold. Safe distancing measures only worked for so long & then 兄 tagged my signaturê.

Class^2 transport prㅇved an asset during the circuit breㅂker restricted movement & complex requires additional inspection as sイgns of limited X activity were คpparent. 入口

Gอlden Miไe, Singopolis