Jul 5, 2007


Sixty-six hot dogs without the bun contain approximately:
18,480 Calories
9,900 Calories from Fat
1,980% Sodium
1,980% Saturated Fat
1,716% Total Fat
528% Iron

Including the bun the numbers add up to:
36,168 Calories
11,880 Calories from Fat
3,234% Sodium
2,310% Saturated Fat
2,046% Total Fat
528% Iron

Based on a diet of 2,000 calories a day, sixty-six hot dogs could technically feed eighteen people.

On Coney Island sixty-six hot dogs forced their way into the belly of Joey Chestnut, setting a new world record and beating Takeru Kobayashi’s ingestion of 63 hot dogs.
The Americans have relinquished the title from the Japanese for the first time in 7 years, congratulations Joey?

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