Oct 15, 2024

Luck or Foresight?


Oct 7, 2024

Sim Lim Square


Sep 30, 2024



Sep 14, 2024

Palm Oil Plantation

Similar to the Cornfields of Iowa, the Palm Oil Tree monoculture of Malaysia necessitates a network of dirt roads. 

Climate and crop being different of course leads to very different type of road surfaces. With Iowa's being gravel dirt roads, and Malaysia's being packed soil pockmarked by deep puddles. 

Why the difference? Palm Oil comes from trees that shade the ground 200 km from the equator. While Corn only grows to about 1.5 meters in the much dryer Midwest climate.

One interesting fact, while corn can and is farmed in Malaysia, Palm Oil Trees cannot be farmed in Iowa due to the cold winters.

To answer one last question, yes those are street tires. And yes the bike did fine. It was the guy on the KTM with knobbies that fell down during the ride. Though if we had been in Iowa, the opposite likely would have happened.