May 29, 2022


Time Machine: A machine capable of transporting things backwards, or forwards through time.

To date memories have proven the only reliable method for backwards time travel.

Forwards time travel on the other hand. Well, that's a matter of how long you think a centimeter is. 

What is the average walking time to walk to a someplace 100km from your current location? Probably about 23 hours; give or take a few hours. 

How about, run, drive, fly? Less TIME.

Time Machine: A machine capable of transporting meat popsicles FORWARDS through time. 

What a horse was to running, trains were to horses. What a train was to cars, planes were to cars. 

Time travel is possible, just watch out for Shleemypants.

May 22, 2022

Tunamaya Resort Free Dive


10-centimeters. That's the most coral can grow in a single year.

Over 75% of the Tunamaya reef has been wiped out over the last 4-years. Not by climate change, rising sea levels, or pollution. 

Here feet are the reefs greatest predator. Day after day, guest after guest walks out onto the reef, smashing decades of coral growth. 

The baby fish loose their place to hide; soon the fish population begins to decline rapidly. 

Without fish to eat the alga, the coral growing deeper and further from the beach get smothered. 

The adolescent fish loose their place to hide; soon the fish population collapses.

Climate change, rising sea levels, and pollution are monolithic unsolvable problems for the individual. 

But, not walking on the reef and picking up trash from the beach. Well, that's easy enough to do. 

The Upside Down

May 19, 2022

Cost of a Vacation

Everything here comes on a boat from a boat.
Air conditioning. Hot shower.

Everyone here comes on a boat from a boat (or plane).
Crushed coral. Septic tanks.

A thousand-liters of fuel for a holiday-weekend.

May 7, 2022

Baby Elephants

2-years riding through a closed Mandelbrot set; determined only by the size of my imagination.

Same same;
Only different.

2-months riding through an open Mandelbrot set, determined only by the size of my imagination.


tourism INDUSTRY

A flotilla of floating foreigners pulling a chain of boat hotels through Hạ Long Bay.

May 5, 2022

Hello Hanoi

Remember the last time you walked onto a travelator and it wasn't working? You just moved from walking on solid ground to solid ground, but still you almost fell over.


Then travel came back. You were moving along that travelator again. Walking at running speed, without effort.

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