Sep 5, 2023

Magic Hill Resort

What does a decade do to a building in the Tropics?

The best abandoned places are hard to reach; isolated from most vandalism. With time water, wind, and the sun devour the place. Humans inevitably speed up the process of decay.

Archology. Modern archology. The search for envelopes at the check-in desk that gave me the name of this place. The floppy disk scattered across the floor. The same graffiti sprayed across the worlds abandoned buildings. The windows broken by the wind. Moldy, musty, plant filled carpet. Holes in the ceiling. Fish, each time fish in swimming pools far from any other source of water.

The best abandoned places are hard to reach; isolated from most people. With time water, wind, and the sun devour the place. Storms inevitably speed up the process of decay.

What s a decade in the Tropics does to a building. 

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