Jul 11, 2022

Gunung Raya Look Out Tower

The D'Coconut Hill Resort and attached Gunung Raya Look Out Tower closed sometime in January 2018.

Located on Mt. Gunung Raya, the tallest point in Langakawi, before the lookout tower and hotel closed, you could pay 10MYR to see a 360° view of the island.

Today while to tower core and stairs leading to the top are still functional, the two bridges leading to the tower and the roof of the tower are rotted. The lower bridge offers the easiest access into the tower, since the door was only roped shut. However, the wooden planks of the bridge are rotten, with some missing. There is a strong well placed rope along the handrail and the center beams of the bridge are still intact. With that said, one wrong step would result in a 30-50 meter drop.

The area has a number of sightseers and the top of the tower is very visible. Taking too much time to enjoy the view from outside will result in being seen. As there is no quick way out of the tower, discretion is advised.

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