Jul 17, 2022

Heterometrus spinifer

The Giant Blue Scorpion lives up to 7-year. Is it an insect, no. Is it a crustacean, no. It is an arachnid, because those claws count as legs (for some reason). 

Alright, enough of the science. Where did you find this thing? Well it was in the middle of the road up to Mt. Gunung Raya. I stopped to look at it. Then a car almost ran it over. So it was time to take out a stick and toss it across the road. 

This particular Giant Forest Scorpion was likely a least 5-year old, 12cm long, and around 100 grams. And... not happy about getting tossed across the road. Yes the stance. Didn't take a picture, just watched till it settled down and lumbered into the jungle.

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